Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Teaching Eng Year 4 Semester 1 foundation of education

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*     Kinds or Types of Leaders
1.      According to Status
a.      Formal leader-one who officially occupies a position of leadership as president, vice-president, king, etc.
b.      Informal or contributing leader-one who has no official position but who provides or contributes bright ideas for the groups.
2.      According to Managerial Grid
a.      Autocrat-one with very high regard for work but very little regards or cares for workers.
b.      Missionary-one with the highest concern for people.
c.      Compromiser-one with equal concern for work and people.
d.      Deserter-one with very little concern for service and people.
e.      Executive-one with the highest regard for service or work as well as for workers or people. This is the highest type of leadership.
3.      According to Manner of Participation
a.      Autocratic-there is practically no participation of the group in decision-making.
b.      Participatory-authority is decentralized. The group is involved in decision-making.
c.      Free rein-the leader depends upon the group for decision-making.
4.      According to democratic Practices
a.      Authoritarian-decision-making is in the hands of one man.
b.      Democratic-decision-making is in the hands of the group. The group itself is self-governing.
*     Functions and Roles of a Leader in an Organization
The leaders:
1.      Establishes well-defined patterns of organization, channels of communication, and ways of getting jobs done.
2.      Serves as spokesman and representative of the group.
3.      Helps the group determine procedures in decision-making and in carrying out plans.
4.      Initiates plans.
5.      Settles conflicts and difficulties in the group. Helps establish a social climate, esprit de Corp.
6.      Clarifies duties and helps the group organize itself.
7.      Serves as guidance counselor.
8.      Maintains membership, cohesiveness, cooperation; develop the feeling that to stay is pleasant.
9.      Works for the attainment of goals and objectives.
10. Delegates’ responsibility and authority to maximize participation and performance.

*     How a Leader Deals with His Subordinates
In dealing with his subordinates, a leader must assume the following roles:
-         Supporter and friend, especially for promotion.
-         Provider of necessary information and facilities.
-         Trainer, helps group learn from experience or otherwise.
-         Counselor, counsels` subordinates.
-         Practices democratic ways with subordinates.
-         He should maximize subordinates` ideas and participation. He should not grab ideas as his own but should give credit to whom it is due.
*     Methods a Leader May use in influencing the Group in Decision-Making
·        Telling. The leader identifies the problem, considers alternative solutions, and selects one and informs the group of his decision. The leader makes the decision without consulting the group.
·        Selling. The leader makes the decision and convinces the group to accept by citing its advantages.
·        Testing. The leader presents the problem and necessary information. Then the members of the group, including himself, give proposals to solve the problem. Then they test the proposals to see which is the best and the most relevant.
·        Consulting. The leader presents the problem with background information. Then he asks the members to give their ideas and alternative solutions. Then he selects the best proposal according to his own judgment.
·        Joining. The leader joins and participates in the, discussion and agrees to abide by whatever decision the group makes.
*     The Problem-Solving Process a Leader may Use
·        Identify, state, and define or clarify the problem (project).
·        If the problem or project is complicated, it may be divided into sub-problem. Committees are assigned to gather facts about each sub-problem.
·        In plenary session, all available facts should be utilized in discussing all the ramifications of the problem or project.
·        This is now the idea-getting process. The members are enjoined to give their proposed or alternative solutions to the problem or project.
·        This is now the ides-evaluation process which follows the idea-getting process. The advantages or disadvantages of each proposed or alternative solution are presented.
·        Choice of the final proposed or alternative solution is achieved by voting or by other presented.
·        Implementation.

*     Salesmanship
The leader is a salesman. However, he does not sell material goods for personal profit. What he sells are ideas in the sense that he uses his persuasive powers to convince his group to adopt his ideas for the good of the group. Following are some suggestions for an effective selling techniques:
S-Sell an important ides. Be sure the idea benefits those it is intended for. An instance is the setting up of a cooperative.
A-Advertise the idea. Inform all the people involved. In the example above, it is the putting up of a cooperative.
L-Let the people learn all the essential aspects of the idea. A seminar or a meeting may be held where everything is explained.
E-Be enthusiastic and eloquent. Enthusiasm begets enthusiasm.
S-select points, that appeal most b the people. Is it credit cooperative?
M-Let one move for the adoption or approval of the idea. This is decision-making, the voting.
A-Apply the idea if it is approved. This is implementation.
N-If the idea is not approved, the extreme necessity of its adoption must be pointed out more emphatically.
S-Be sincere. If the people see the sincerity of the leader in pushing through the idea, they may relent.
H-Hear the people talk about their objections. The objections may be overcome by an impassioned appeal.
I-Interest the people more. Motivate them and use all kinds of motivation.
P-Persist in pushing through the idea. Do not give up so easily. If the session is to be closed, do not slam the door. Shut for good. Instead, give the people enough time to think and study the idea further and make a hint that the issue may be reopened in some opportune time in the future.
*     General Functions of a Leader
Summarizing, the general functions of a leader are:
·        Planning-making plans for the activities of the organizations.
·        Organizing-putting up the structure of the organization.
·        Staffing-assigning personnel to the organization.
·        Directing-guiding the activities of the organization.
·        Coordinating-systematizing the activities of the group.
·        Budgeting-estimating the income and expenses of the organization.
These general functions are acronym POSDCORB. These functions are not performed alone by the leader but they are usually done under his direction and supervision.

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